Vehicle Diagnostic Scanning
Check engine light on? Not sure what’s wrong with your car? Ipswich Muffler & Mechanical Shop use Pro Scanner Diagnostic tools to quickly and efficiently identify the cause of the problem, eliminating the guesswork and saving you time and money.
Save time and money with diagnostic scanning
At Ipswich Muffler & Mechanical Shop, our qualified mechanics use Pro Scanner Diagnostic tools to identify any faults with your vehicle and determine what repairs are required. Along with eliminating the guesswork and quickly identifying faults, high-tech diagnostic tools enable us to pinpoint diagnose and resolve complex problems, including minor faults before they escalate into larger problems that are more expensive to repair. With the use of state-of-the-art Pro Scanner tools, we provide:
- Onboard computer scanning
- Battery and charging system analysis
- Fuel pressure and compression testing
- DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) retrieval
Diagnostic scanning also provides peace of mind in that you know all issues have been identified and resolved, and that your car is safe to drive. Rely on our fully-certified mechanics to diagnose any faults with your car and get you back on the road quickly and safely.
Mechanical Repairs Ipswich Trusts
- Locally owned and operated — Established in Ipswich in 1974
- All mechanical repairs — Brakes & clutch, suspension & more
- Members of Carline Automotive & Exhaust group
- All work backed by industry-leading warranties
- Log book servicing — All makes and models
- Custom & performance exhaust systems
- Free local pickup and delivery service